Search for tag: "nicotine"

SPH298 Week7 TCPRC Project #3- Flavored Tobacco Product Policy Implementation

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From  Diana Dmitrevsky 0 likes 20 plays 0  

PBI298 Lecture#4-1 Alkaloids

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From  Philipp Zerbe 1 likes 364 plays 0  

Vaping Presentation - Healthy UC Davis

In this informational panel presentation, hear from three perspectives on the health impacts and addiction related to vaping. Christy D’Ambrosio, a mother whose son was hospitalized in critical…

From  Annie Hsu 0 likes 78 plays 0  

E-Cigarettes and JUUL, Addicting a New Generation

In this informational presentation, Kim Homer Vagadori, Project Director for the California Youth Advocacy Network, discusses how e-cigarettes, vapes, JUUL, and Sorens, are changing the landscape of…

From  Tong-Reen Tan 0 likes 169 plays 0  

Storer Lecture - Ian Baldwin 4-7-15

From  ATS Video 0 likes 6 plays 0