01:04:43duration 1 hour 4 minutes
Storer Lecture - Ian Baldwin 4-7-15
59:48duration 59 minutes 48 seconds
11/03/2017 DOLCE : Concepts and ideas for using…
11/03/2017 DOLCE : Concepts and ideas for using visualization
DOLCE November 3rd covered a wide range of interesting topics. Distinguished Professor James Carey discussed presentations and ATS instructional technology experts, Dr. Margaret Merrill and Dr.…
01:52:20duration 1 hour 52 minutes
Gaming Metrics - Meta Gaming, Meta Cheating…
Gaming Metrics - Meta Gaming, Meta Cheating (02-04-2016)
Meta Gaming, Meta Cheating Anupam Chandler, Johan Bollen, Carl t. Bergstrom, Jennifer Lin, Michael Power, James Griesemer