Name: James Seiber Date Interviewed: 6/20/2013 Date Appointed: 1969 Date Retired: 1993 Department: Department of Environmental Toxicology In this conversation , Emeritus Professor James Seiber…
Name: Norman B. Akesson Interviewer: John B. Dobie Date Interviewed: 10/2/2001 Date Appointed: 1947 Date Retired: 1984 Department: Biological and Agricultural Engineering In this conversation…
Name: Robert L. Rudd Interviewer: George W. Salt Date Interviewed: 1/10/1996 Date Appointed: 1952 Date Retired: 1964 Department: Zoology In this conversation , Emeritus Professor Robert Rudd…
"Sublethal effects of contaminants regularly detected in the delta: Risks to smelt"
Major Issues in modern Biology Seminar Series
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-31
"Sustainable Agriculture for 9 Billion"
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-24