Search for tag: "rachel"


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From  Laura Brandeberry 0 likes 5 plays 0  

1May_CEE Going Remote for Grad Students: Preparing for Online Summer Instruction

Join our multidisciplinary Teaching Assistant Consultants for a panel-style webinar on designing and adapting summer courses for remote instruction. TAC PanelistsHannah Nelson, Evolution &…

From  Kem Saichaie 1 likes 35 plays 0  

Naturing at Home: The City Nature Challenge | Part 2 of 3

Join Rachel Davis, GATEways horticulturist and Lauren Glevanik, Learning by Leading intern and iNaturalist super user, as they share how to participate in the upcoming City Nature Challenge (April…

From  Rachel Davis 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Naturing at Home: iNaturalist beginner tutorial | Part 1 of 3

Join UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden GATEways Horticulturist Rachel Davis to learn more about iNaturalist -- a phone app that helps you connect with nature by exploring and sharing your…

From  Rachel Davis 1 likes 46 plays 0  

Delta Management Using Biotelemetry - 01 - Opening Remarks - John Callaway - 11/09/2017

UC Davis' Biotelemetry Lab, Cramer Fish Sciences and Delta Science Program Symposium: Informaing Delta Management Using Biotelemety. November 9, 2017.

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 28 plays 0