Search for tag: "returns"

Characterizing Silicon Vacancies in Silicon Carbide - Eliana Mann

Color centers are point defects in a crystal lattice that exhibit properties that are useful in quantum technologies. We are building a confocal photoluminescence spectroscopy setup to characterize…

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From  Philip Young 0 likes 28 plays 0  


Review: Returns, logarithmic returns, expectation of a random variable. mat133-2021s-notes-2021-04-21.pdf Videos and all other materials are copyright 2021 Matthias Köppe and shared as Open…

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From  Matthias Koeppe 0 likes 56 plays 0  

ECS 220 6a:7.2-1 programming languages with interpreters have non-halting programs

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From  David Doty 0 likes 46 plays 0  

PHY 255 Econophysics Lecture 8

PHY 255 Econophysics Lecture 8

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From  John Rundle 0 likes 84 plays 0  

Estuarine Connectivity Symposium - Marissa Baskett - February 18, 2020

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 27 plays 0