Search for tag: "steel"

Coming back down to Earth: from cosmology to the factory

Speaker: Dr. Benjamin Thorne, Atomic Industries Abstract: I currently work on applied physics and machine learning at Atomic Industries. At Atomic we are jointly automating the design and…

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From  Lloyd Knox 0 likes 1 plays 0  


Lecture 10/12/20 CHE 002C

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From  Louis Longaker 0 likes 288 plays 0  


Lecture 10/7/20 CHE 129A

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From  Louis Longaker 0 likes 85 plays 0  

Miller Symposium-Eranthie Weerapana-03-01-2019

From  ATS Video 0 likes 163 plays 0  

PICN - PengJi - 01-30-2019


From  Maureen Phelan 0 likes 61 plays 0  

HYD151: Groundwater Measurement, part 1

This 14-minute presentation introduces the concept of hydraulic head in wells and explains how to measure it. Errata: slides should say, "Chapter 17B" and "p. 17-#"

From  Gregory Pasternack 0 likes 109 plays 0  

PICN - Susana Matias 10/19/2016

Prenatal and postnatal supplementation with lipid-based nutrient supplements reduced anemia and iron deficiency in young Bangladeshi children

From  Maureen Phelan 0 likes 61 plays 0