Search for tag: "thorax"

lab 8

Sabrina Speckman Myla Obregon Nilesh Thiagarajan

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From  Sabrina Speckman 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Pinning & Spreading Lepidoptera with Jeff Smith

Pinning & Spreading Lepidoptera with Jeff Smith. Join Bohart Volunteer Research Associate Jeff Smith as he describes how to pin and spread Lepidoptera. This technique is the most common method…

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From  Sarah Stinson 0 likes 260 plays 0  

Bohart Museum of Entomology Virtual Tour: Live Insect Zoo (Tabatha Yang & Dr. Lynn Kimsey)

The Bohart Museum of Entomology's Education & Outreach Coordinator Tabatha Yang gives a hands-on tour of some of the Bohart's live animals, including several species of Walking…

From  Sarah Stinson 0 likes 1,880 plays 0  

ENT 001 Bohart Museum of Entomology Virtual Tour Highlight: Zoo Animals (Tabatha Yang and Dr. Lynn Kimsey)

The Bohart Museum of Entomology's Education & Outreach Coordinator Tabatha Yang gives a hands-on tour of some of the Bohart's live animals, including several species of Walking sticks,…

From  Sarah Stinson 0 likes 243 plays 0  

UC Capitol Speaker Series: Eleanor B. Schwarz 10-15-2015

Infant Feeding, Social Policy, and Public Health.

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 24 plays 0