Search for tag: "uwp7"

APA Reference Page: Demonstration

This video is a demonstration of a faculty member working to revise a draft of a Reference page in APA style submitted by a student in a UWP 7 course. The main resource used in the video is…

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From  Tricia Serviss 0 likes 178 plays 0  

Horizontal Reading Video

The video shares the strategy of horizontal reading for understanding a scholarly conversation across multiple sources. The video uses Miller and Schulz's "University Literacy" article…

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From  Tricia Serviss 0 likes 2,061 plays 0  

Genres of Source Reference (Summary, Paraphrase, Patchwrite, Quotation)

This video describes different genres (or types) of source reference that are common in academic literacy tasks assigned to undergraduate students. Video slides are available here. A handout of the…

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From  Tricia Serviss 0 likes 3,328 plays 0  

Talking about writing assignments (UWP 7)

Five entry level writing instructors talk about two writing assignments (one from a college math course and one from a college psychology course) and complete a comparison chart.

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From  Tricia Serviss 0 likes 304 plays 0  

What are Discourse Communities?

This video presents the concept of discourse communities. Slide deck for this video Schmidt and Vande Kopple handout

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From  Tricia Serviss 0 likes 1,626 plays 0  

The Method: A Heuristic for Analytic Writing

This video presents what we call "The Method" which is a series of steps that helps writers generate analytic ideas. The video includes an extended example of The Method in use. Slide deck…

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From  Tricia Serviss 0 likes 1,463 plays