EEC 195 TEAM 5 Final Video
ECE Department Autonomous Racing Car, Team 10 -- Huy Lam, Alex Tung, Rentao Tan, Archie Gu
Abstract: As Moore’s
Law comes to a close, new innovative approaches to microelectronics research
are important to achieve much needed capabilities improvements in computing for
ECS-235A, Lecture 10, October 12, 2022
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is an algorithm that allows autonomous vehicles to sense and obtain real-time measurements of the surrounding area and analyze these measurements to…
The autonomous RC car presented within the video was collaboratively configured by Joel Montano, Ryan McKenna, and Joshua Nelson. The car was programmed to lane follow, utilizing blob detection on…
A summarization of the workings of our groups' autonomous lane-following robotic car, with the additional feature of being cross compatible between manual and self-driving mode.
Yi-Chun Ling Abstract: We demonstrate a 3D fan-in/fan-out device for multi-core fiber (MCF) integration with a SMF-28 fiber array by using ultrafast laser inscription (ULI). An automatic waveguide…
Lecture of 2022-03-08. Example of graphs. Informal description of isomorphism. Formal definition of isomorphic graphs. Status of deciding GRAPH ISOMORPHISM and of proving that two graphs are…
Lecture 2022-02-22. Three statements of the pigeonhole principle (PHP) and quite a few examples of its use. Reviewing some number theory. The Division Theorem. Euclid's algorithm. Finding…
Lecture 2022-02-17. Using the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic to answer questions like how many divisors a number has. Karatsuba multiplication. Writing and solving recurrence relations. Binary…