Search for tag: "center"

iWorkshop on Regulatory Matters with Bayer

An interactive panel on regulatory matters facilitated by Bayer. Hosted by Seed Central and the UC Davis Plant Breeding Center.

From  Amanda Pietras 0 likes 11 plays 0  

534 Roth

Don Roth was reared in Brooklyn where he got his introduction to classical music in high school through his classical music obsessed friend group. His friends made it their personal mission to get…

From  Yin Yeh 0 likes 10 plays 0  

532 Donaldson

Joyce was appointed as Community Outreach Coordinator for UC Davis Presents in 1986 and retired as the first Director of Arts Education from Mondavi Center in 2016.She was the department head for…

From  Yin Yeh 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Library Vignette #3 - Find it Beyond the UC Libraries (Music Research) - Edited

Locating music materials beyond the UCD/UC Libraries Tips on using FirstSearch version of WorldCat Links to worldwide library catalog portals

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From  Ruth Gustafson 0 likes 3 plays 0  

524 Bradford

This interview is with Kent J. Bradford, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Plant Sciences. He was appointed in 1982 (initially in the Vegetable Crops Department) and retired in 2019. Kent’s…

From  Yin Yeh 0 likes 53 plays 0  

Keynote Elizabeth Mitcham - Session 3 - Wednesday June 28

Dr. Mitcham presents a keynote talk," In Pursuit of Quality and Flavor." She reflects on her career at UC Davis and provides and overview of her research accomplishments.

From  Barbara Blanco-Ulate 2 likes 81 plays 0  

513 Goodnight

This interview is with James E. Goodnight Jr., Professor Emeritus and Chair Emeritus of Surgery. He was appointed in 1980 and retired in 2015. Jim’s clinical interest is in surgical oncology…

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From  Alan Jackman 0 likes 23 plays 0  

HERO Spotlight Event: Mapping Population Diversity - October 31, 2022

Overview: Racial and ethnic classification in research and medicine is rooted in a centuries-long practice of categorizing humans into distinct groups to justify colonization, slavery, and…

From  Christy Navarro 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Spotlight Event: Health and Data Equity - July 13, 2022

SPEAKERS Amy Studer Health Science Librarian Blaisdell Medical Library Christy Navarro Health Informatics Research Data Officer, Health Equity Resources and Outreach Sharon Myers, Ph.D., M.P.H.…

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From  Christy Navarro 1 likes 19 plays 1  

IET Team Update: NSE integral to equipping the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) as it nears completion

Interviews with engineers from IET's Network Service Engineering (NSE) group and a principal technician from CR's Installation Services. Insight into the challenges and accomplishments as…

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From  Mark Deamer 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Forum Brewing a Better Cup of Coffee, with Science

The UC Davis Coffee Center is the first multidisciplinary university research center dedicated to addressing the challenges and needs of the coffee industry. The center leverage’s the…

+23 More
From  RMI Video 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Virtual Visit to East West Seeds

From  Amanda Pietras 0 likes 36 plays 0  

CEE Graduate Student Workshops - Moving Forward: Applying Lessons Learned from Remote Instruction (Roundtable Discussion)

A Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) workshop from May 26, 2021, on Moving Forward: Applying Lessons Learned from Remote InstructionDescription:A year ago, we all experienced an…

+34 More
From  Peter Joseph Torres 0 likes 11 plays 0  

CEE Graduate Student Workshops - Teaching Culturally Diverse Students

A Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) workshop from April 26, 2021, on Teaching Culturally Diverse Students Description: Our cultures and communities shape our experiences, values, and…

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From  Peter Joseph Torres 0 likes 21 plays 0  

CEE Faculty Workshop - NSF CAREER Award Shaping the education narrative

A Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) special session from April 23rd on the NSF CAREER Award: Shaping the Educational Narrative. In this webinar, Dr. Katerina Ziotopoulou (Civil and…

+22 More
From  Kem Saichaie 1 likes 77 plays 0  

CEE Graduate Student Workshop: Beyond 101: Addressing Racism and Microaggressions in the Classroom

A Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) workshop from April 12, 2021, on Beyond 101: Addressing Racism and Microaggressions in the Classroom This workshop builds on the Winter Quarter workshop,…

+27 More
From  Peter Joseph Torres 0 likes 49 plays 0