Search for tag: "competence"

HDE 131 Spring 2023, Lecture 4.4

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From  Lindsey Partington 0 likes 233 plays 0  

Interview with Heather van Buskirk (3ie and former 115A student)

Heather took ARE/ECN 115A in WQ 2019. In this interview, she describes her professional path since leaving UCD and describes the impact evaluation work she now does with 3ie. Interested students…

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From  Travis Lybbert 0 likes 16 plays 0  

SITT 2021 - Group work: Towards equitable online and in-person teams

Irena Acic and Hannah Stevens Purdue’s CATME Team-Maker is an online assessment tool that instructors can use to assemble more equitable student groups for group work. Instructors can identify…

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From  Mark Wilson 0 likes 29 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 1.6 - Describing Data - Uncertainty

How sure are we of our measurements? Are they true, correct, or both? How can we convey our level of confidence in our measurements? Copyright Thi Nguyen Do not distribute without permission…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 306 plays 0  


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From  Hooman Rashtian 0 likes 60 plays 0