01:34:15duration 1 hour 34 minutes
Introduction to the Unix Command Line Workshop…
Introduction to the Unix Command Line Workshop – 2021-11-04
Learn and practice how to talk directly to your…
01:53:33duration 1 hour 53 minutes
Python Basics: Introduction to Programming for…
Python Basics: Introduction to Programming for Researchers (4-part series) Part 4 of 4 – 2021-10-14
This 4-part workshop series provides an…
01:51:12duration 1 hour 51 minutes
Python Basics: Introduction to Programming for Researchers (4-part series) Part 3 of 4 – 2021-10-12
01:39:45duration 1 hour 39 minutes
Python Basics: Introduction to Programming for Researchers (4-part series) Part 2 of 4 – 2021-10-07
01:53:36duration 1 hour 53 minutes
Python Basics: Introduction to Programming for Researchers (4-part series) Part 1 of 4 – 2021-10-05
01:54:06duration 1 hour 54 minutes
Reproducible Research for Teams with GitHub…
Reproducible Research for Teams with GitHub – 2021-05-28
GitHub is an online platform for software…