Search for tag: "unix"

ECS-036A: 2023-04-03 13:07

ECS-036A Lecture 2023-04-03 at 13:07

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From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 135 plays 0  

Introduction to the Unix Command Line – 2022-10-06

Learn and practice how to talk directly to your computer via the command line. The Unix shell is a powerful tool for using scientific software, working with large datasets, and controlling remote…

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From  DataLab 0 likes 77 plays

Introduction to the Unix Command Line Workshop – 2021-11-04

Learn and practice how to talk directly to your computer via the command line. The Unix shell is a powerful tool for using scientific software, working with large datasets, and controlling remote…

+6 More
From  DataLab 0 likes 75 plays

Intro to the UNIX Command Line

This workshop introduces the UNIX command line, which is the main way to interact with remote computers. We will cover computing concepts, file systems and directory structure, and some of the most…

+20 More
From  Jeremy Walter 1 likes 152 plays 0  

ECS 153, Spring 2021; Lecture #24; May 21, 2021

ECS 153 Spring 2021. Computer Security. This covers ACLs, C-Lists, locks and keys, secret sharing, and begins rings. The video begins at 1:42 from the beginning.

+19 More
From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 70 plays 0  

ECS 153, Spring 2021; Lecture #23; May 19, 2021

ECS 153 Spring 2021. Computer Security. This covers authentication with a brief overview of rainbow tables and begins access control mechanisms. The video begins at 5:13 from the beginning.

+19 More
From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 54 plays 0  

ECS40: 2015-02-20 11:00 C++ polymorphism, templates.

ECS40 Lecture 2015-02-20 at 11:00

From  kgroup_csvideo 0 likes 950 plays 0  

ECS40: 2015-02-02 11:00 C++assignment operator, istream, ostream.

ECS40 Lecture 2015-02-02 at 11:00

From  kgroup_csvideo 0 likes 964 plays 0  

ECS40: 2015-01-21 11:00 UNIX processes and signals, circular references in header files, P1

ECS40 Lecture 2015-01-21 at 11:00

From  kgroup_csvideo 0 likes 1,036 plays 0  

ECS40: 2015-01-09 11:00 P1, find, tar, shells, environmental variables, forking

ECS40 Lecture 2015-01-09 at 11:00

From  kgroup_csvideo 0 likes 1,004 plays 0  

ECS40: 2015-01-07 11:00 P1, simple UNIX utilities, regular expressions, grep.

ECS40 Lecture 2015-01-07 at 11:00

From  kgroup_csvideo 0 likes 1,510 plays 0  

ECS40: 2015-01-05 11:00 Intro, syllabus, common UNIX utilities.

ECS40 Lecture 2015-01-05 at 11:00

From  kgroup_csvideo 0 likes 1,844 plays 0