Search for tag: "diego"

Tom Menne 2022 WAC - Using Telemetry to Manage Irrigations

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From  Colton Perazzo 0 likes 5 plays 0  

UC Davis-Financial Times Biz Quiz: Final Round and Awards Ceremony

The Biz Quiz is a buzz-in quiz contest with a host asking questions based on Financial Times business news content from September 15-October 30. Teams of three from UC business schools will compete…

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 16 plays 0  

2022 Vet Med White Coat Ceremony - August 19 2022

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine new student induction ceremony, held Friday August 19th, 2022.

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 358 plays 0  

BML - Dr. Colleen Burge: Gone viral, the global emergence of an oyster-killing virus and its potential impacts on the shellfish industry

John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine Laboratory Seminar Series: Dr. Colleen Burge: Gone viral, the global emergence of an oyster-killing virus and its potential impacts on the shellfish…

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From  Noah Killeen 0 likes 12 plays 0  

BML - Dr. Julio Lorda: Long term variability of temperature, species range shifts, and insights into the future

Bodega Marine Laboratory John and Mary Louise Riley Seminar Series: Dr. Julio Lorda: "Long term variability of temperature, species range shifts, and insights into the future." For…

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From  Noah Killeen 0 likes 3 plays 0  

2008 Fall Convocation - Julia Ann Easley - 09/24/2008

ATS Video migrated from on 2015-07-24

From  ATS Video 0 likes 112 plays 0  

The Provost's Forum 2013-14: Steven Casper and Sean Randolph

The Future of the Public University: The Provost's Forums on the Public University and the Social Good. April 22, 2014: "The University of California and the Evolution of the Biotechnology…

From  ATS Video 0 likes 23 plays 0  

The Provost's Forum 2013-14: Mary Walshok and Andrew Hargadon

The Future of the Public University: The Provost's Forums on the Public University and the Social Good. April 22, 2014. " Serendipity and Symbiosis: UCSD and the Local Wireless…

From  ATS Video 0 likes 11 plays 0