Search for tag: "flame"

VEN123L Video 9.1 - Limits of Detection and Quantification

What's the lowest concentration that a method or instrument can detect, and what's the lowest it can measure? What's the difference? How do we determine the limits of detection and…

From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 1,456 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 6.1 - Copper - Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

How is atomic spectroscopy different from molecular spectrophotometry? What's going on inside an atomic spectrometer? How is copper analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy? Copyright…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 290 plays 0  


Specimen ID video for Cassin's Kingbird

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From  Robert Blenk 0 likes 15 plays 0