Search for tag: "glass"


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From  batchUser 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Josiah McElheny | Artist Talk

Josiah McElheny is an expert glassblower whose installations, sculpture, paintings and films engage with the history of his medium and the history of ideas, with a particular interested in the…

From  Michael French 0 likes 10 plays 0  


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From  Matthias Koeppe 0 likes 23 plays 0  

EPS 131 Lecture 29 Impacts12-2-2022

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From  John Rundle 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Sips and Bites: Olive Oil Tasting with Center Director

Javier Fernandez-Salvador is the new executive director of the UC Davis Olive Center. Previously an Assistant Professor at the agricultural extension service of Oregon State University, he has …

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From  Babette Orendain 0 likes 6 plays 0  

ServiceNow Navigation Training 2021

Learn how to navigate ServiceNow in this UC Davis ServiceNow introductory video.

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From  Mark Deamer 0 likes 609 plays 0  

Lecture 29 (Impacts)

Lecture 29 (Impacts)

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From  John Rundle 0 likes 8 plays 0  

ECS 235B, Winter 2021; Lecture #17; February 12, 2021

Foundations of Computer and Information Security. This covers DRM, RBAC, and begins Traducement. The class starts at 3:55 into the video.

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From  Matthew Bishop 0 likes 27 plays 0  

ECS-175: 2020-12-10 11:00

ECS-175 Lecture 2020-12-10 at 11:00

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From  Bernd Hamann 0 likes 62 plays 0  


Lecture 10/7/20 CHE 129A

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From  Louis Longaker 0 likes 85 plays 0  

Pulling and Packing Nanocolumns

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From  Brett Phinney 0 likes 427 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 2.3 - Hydrometry

How do hydrometers work? How do we use hydrometers? What can they be used for? Copyright Thi Nguyen Do not distribute without permission

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 718 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 1.1 - Volumetric Measurement

What sort of glassware will we find in an analytical chemistry laboratory? What should or should not be used to measure volume? How do we use volumetric glassware? Copyright Thi Nguyen Do not…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 847 plays 0  

Nicholas Lundgren Research Talk (2020 Larock Conference, Physical/Analytical Presentation #4)

Title: The Effects of Germanium Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Silicon-Germanium Authors: Nicholas Lundgren, Giuseppe Barbalinardo, and Davide Donadio Abstract: Many…

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From  Lee-Ping Wang 0 likes 58 plays 0  

Unrooted Trees and Parsimony

From  Joel Ledford 5 likes 10,188 plays 2