Economics of Ag-Nutrition Interventions--Tomoe Bourdier.
EME-165 Lecture 2018-08-30 at 12:10
Pascaline Dupas is an associate professor in economics at Stanford University, holds senior fellowships at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and the Freeman Spogli Institute for…
Ralph Hexter Welcoming Remarks at "Gaming Metrics - Innovation & Surveillance in Academic Misconduct" conference, February 4, 2016
The Great Divide: Crime, Incarceration and their Consequences. Presented by Ryken Grattet, Chris Smith, Bill Mc Carthy, Angela Carter
Structural Inequality in the Age of Sustainability, Maintaining the Racial/Spatial Wealth Gap
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-24
11-28-12 Presented by Jesus Hernandez, Lecturer, Human Community Development: "The History of Redlining and Restrictive Covenants in Sacramento: Explaining Today’s Neighborhoods"…
Clay Brandow, a founder of the Domes on the UC Davis campus, speaks about the construction of the Domes.