20:50duration 20 minutes 50 seconds
Publish or Perish 2014: Lightning Talks
February 20, 2014
19:24duration 19 minutes 24 seconds
Publish or Perish 2014: What we have learned,…
Publish or Perish 2014: What we have learned, where we are now, & what we need to do next
02:00:01duration 2 hours 0 minutes
Publish or Perish 2014: Assessment
01:21:21duration 1 hour 21 minutes
Publish or Perish 2014: Altmetrics - Do They…
Publish or Perish 2014: Altmetrics - Do They Measure Anything Useful?
01:32:16duration 1 hour 32 minutes
Publish or Perish 2014: Changing the Value…
Publish or Perish 2014: Changing the Value Proposition of Publishing
38:02duration 38 minutes 2 seconds
Publish or Perish 2014: Predicting the Future of…
Publish or Perish 2014: Predicting the Future of Scholarly Communicaitons
01:56:27duration 1 hour 56 minutes
Publish or Perish 2014: Open Access, Cooperation,…
Publish or Perish 2014: Open Access, Cooperation, and Commons: The (Uncertain) Retreat of Possessive Individualism in Networked Society.
Presented by Dr. Yochai Benkler from Harvard School of Law. February 13, 2014
01:25:51duration 1 hour 25 minutes
Publish or Perish 2014: Innovations in Peer Review
01:30:57duration 1 hour 30 minutes
Publish or Perish 2014: Beyond Journals & New…
Publish or Perish 2014: Beyond Journals & New Forms of Digital Publishing
01:44:54duration 1 hour 44 minutes
Publish or Perish 2014: The Changing Nature of…
Publish or Perish 2014: The Changing Nature of the Journal