01:19:31duration 1 hour 19 minutes
Lecture 4 - Plate Tectonics and the Rock Cycle -…
Lecture 4 - Plate Tectonics and the Rock Cycle - ESM 120 (Winter 2022)
In this lecture, Professor Lybrand and I are…
54:27duration 54 minutes 27 seconds
Lecture 1 - Intro to Earth System Science - ESM…
Lecture 1 - Intro to Earth System Science - ESM 120 (Winter 2022)
Lecture 1. Physical geography encompasses the…
01:08:15duration 1 hour 8 minutes
Lecture 13 - The Global Carbon Cycle - ESM 120…
Lecture 13 - The Global Carbon Cycle - ESM 120 (Winter 2021)
Lecture 13. We discuss the role of the element…
39:18duration 39 minutes 18 seconds
Lecture 1 - Intro to Earth System Science - ESM 120 (Winter 2021)