Pedro Leon gives the student address at the UC Davis School of Education graduation celebration ceremony, June 12th, 2019.
In this conversation, Emeiritus Professor Malaquias Montoya discusses his career at the University of California at Davis, including important persons and events that shaped his interests and…
Name: Refugio I. Rochin Interviewer: Winfred Schleiner Date Interviewed: 1/9/2007 Date Appointed: 1971 Date Retired: 1994 Department: Agricultural and Resource Economics In this conversation…
The 2016-2017 Campus Community Book Project, featuring Raj Patel's Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System, hosted this lecture by Dr. Marc Schenker on "The Health…
Seeing History Through Multiple Lenses: Making Sense of Mexican American Discrimination
As part of the Emerging Scholars Panel: Pushing the Boundries of Equity-Oriented Research
Hosted by…
Major Issues in Modern Biology Seminar Series.
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-31
"What Can Genetics Tell Us About the History of Plant Domestication?"
Major Issues in Modern Biology Seminar Series. ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-31
"Release of Transgenic Crops in a Center of Genetic Diversity: the Case of Transgenic Corn in Mexico"
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-31
Author Luis Urrea speak at UC Davis
UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in NAS at UC Davis
“Rethinking Archaeological Practice and Relationships, Past and Present: Lessons from Honduras and Mexico. December 10, 2014