33:17duration 33 minutes 17 seconds
05:34duration 5 minutes 34 seconds
ECS 120 3b:3 NFA union example
12:13duration 12 minutes 13 seconds
ECS 120 1c:2 example DFA deciding binary number…
ECS 120 1c:2 example DFA deciding binary number congruence
05:00duration 5 minutes 0 seconds
ECS 120 1c:1 example DFAs deciding input length…
ECS 120 1c:1 example DFAs deciding input length congruence
01:09:59duration 1 hour 9 minutes
PLS100BL Live Session - Lab 1 - Plant Anatomy and…
PLS100BL Live Session - Lab 1 - Plant Anatomy and Morphology
A show-and-tell demonstration on the anatomy and…
05:47duration 5 minutes 47 seconds
interlude 2, video 4, Music 107B
Intro to pattr.