44:52duration 44 minutes 52 seconds
05:39duration 5 minutes 39 seconds
ECS 220 8b:8.3-1 NL-completeness and logspace…
ECS 220 8b:8.3-1 NL-completeness and logspace reductions
05:20duration 5 minutes 20 seconds
ECS 220 8a:8.2 NL and NPSPACE nondeterministic…
ECS 220 8a:8.2 NL and NPSPACE nondeterministic space-bounded computation and prover-verifier characterization
07:33duration 7 minutes 33 seconds
ECS 220 8a:8.1-3 relationship of time and…
ECS 220 8a:8.1-3 relationship of time and space-bounded complexity classes
11:33duration 11 minutes 33 seconds
ECS 220 6b:7.2-3 computable enumerability
07:50duration 7 minutes 50 seconds
ECS 220 5c:6.6 why is it hard to prove P neq NP
07:35duration 7 minutes 35 seconds
ECS 220 5b:6.6-2 almost proof of Ladner's…
ECS 220 5b:6.6-2 almost proof of Ladner's theorem
05:38duration 5 minutes 38 seconds
ECS 220 5b:6.6-3 clocked programs
07:45duration 7 minutes 45 seconds
ECS 220 5b:6.6-1 Ladner's theorem, existence…
ECS 220 5b:6.6-1 Ladner's theorem, existence of NP-intermediate problems
06:50duration 6 minutes 50 seconds
ECS 220 5a:6.4-4 an oracle making P=NP
03:07duration 3 minutes 7 seconds
ECS 220 5a:6.4-3 relativizing proofs
06:08duration 6 minutes 8 seconds
ECS 220 5a:6.4-2 P^SAT and P^NP
05:09duration 5 minutes 9 seconds
ECS 220 5a:6.4-1 oracles and relativized worlds
02:14duration 2 minutes 14 seconds
ECS 220 4c:6.3-4 P vs. NP vs. EXP…
ECS 220 4c:6.3-4 P vs. NP vs. EXP nondeterministic time hierarchy theorem
08:37duration 8 minutes 37 seconds
ECS 220 4b:6.1-2 relation of NP to finding…
ECS 220 4b:6.1-2 relation of NP to finding mathematical proofs
07:19duration 7 minutes 19 seconds
ECS 220 4a:6.1-3 collapse propagates up padding…
ECS 220 4a:6.1-3 collapse propagates up padding technique