Search for tag: "pig"


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From  Luke Salvato 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Animal biotechnology 1 Lecture

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From  John Yoder 0 likes 686 plays 0  

JoVE searching

This is an introduction on how to find content on JoVE: 1) on the JoVE website for newest content2) on PubMed to search journal; "j vis exp" and enter search terms3) also discoverable on…

+24 More
From  Erik Fausak 0 likes 68 plays 0  

Leon Garoyan

This is an interview of Leon Garoyan, Ph.D. Specialist in Cooperative Extension, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, who died on March 26, 2022 at age 96. Dr. Garoyan grew up in…

From  Emeriti 0 likes 214 plays 0  

Determining how milk can influence intestinal health in a pig model of malnutrition

Presented by Elizabeth Maga Adjunct Professor, UC Davis Department of Animal Science

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From  Maureen Phelan 0 likes 277 plays 0  

Storer Lecture - Matthew Wheeler 10-10-2011

"Strategies for Regenerating Bone: Stem Cells, Scaffolds, Growth Factors and Patients" ATS Video migrated from on 2015-07-31

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 19 plays 0