32:13duration 32 minutes 13 seconds
Book Project - The Good News presented by Sasha…
Book Project - The Good News presented by Sasha Abramsky 10-30-2018
01:31:30duration 1 hour 31 minutes
UC Capitol Speaker Series - Mindy Romero -…
UC Capitol Speaker Series - Mindy Romero - 08-29-2017
"Vote Centers are Coming to California: What do we need to know to help ensure successful and equitable implementation?"
01:29:42duration 1 hour 29 minutes
Todd Gitlin - January 24, 2017
Forum on the Public Univeristy and the Social Good
26:09duration 26 minutes 9 seconds
Juan Garibay (05-03-2016)
Beyond Traditional Measures of Success in STEM: Predictors of Social Agency and Conducting Research for Social Change ----------- As part of the Emerging Scholars Panel: Pushing the Boundaries of…
18:45duration 18 minutes 45 seconds
2014 School of Law Keynote Speaker: John A.…
2014 School of Law Keynote Speaker: John A. Pérez
John A. Pérez, California’s 68th Assembly speaker, gives the keynote address at the UC Davis School of Law Commencement, May 16, 2014.