Search for tag: "tone"

Week 3 Lecture: Genre Part 2

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From  Marc Dadigan 0 likes 29 plays 0  

CEE Workshop - Check the Syllabus! Re-Examining our Syllabi with an Equity Lens

This is a recording of "Check the Syllabus! Re-Examining our Syllabi with an Equity Lens," a Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) workshop which took place on April 30th, 2021. In…

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From  Rachel Stumpf 0 likes 190 plays 0  

Entomology 1 Watercolor Demo: Episode 2--Getting Prepared

This video is the second of 5 episodes on creating watercolor paintings that were created for use in Entomology 1: Art, Science and the World of Insects, produced by Diane Ullman, Professor of…

From  Diane Ullman 0 likes 151 plays 0  

EEC 10 Lab 5 OLD - Stereo Audio

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From  Timothy Ambrose 0 likes 376 plays 0  

module 0, video 06, Music 107B

Audio vs. data.

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From  Sam Nichols 0 likes 49 plays 0  

eDNA Symposium - Gordon Luikart - Jan 29th 2020

eDNA and Invasive Species Management: Challenges and Solutions

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From  ATS Video 0 likes 82 plays 0