02:01:21duration 2 hours 1 minute
Plática Familiar: Agosto 8 (Noche 2)
Agosto 8: - Bienvenidos - Oficina de Ayuda…
09:43duration 9 minutes 43 seconds
Interview with Heather van Buskirk (3ie and…
Interview with Heather van Buskirk (3ie and former 115A student)
Heather took ARE/ECN 115A in WQ 2019. In this…
58:34duration 58 minutes 34 seconds
AEL Transfer CoE Welcome Video
57:21duration 57 minutes 21 seconds
College of Engineering Orientation - If I Knew…
College of Engineering Orientation - If I Knew Then, What I Know Now, Career Tips from College of Engineering Alumni
Hear about the career journeys of diverse UC…