01:06:07duration 1 hour 6 minutes
Women & Philanthropy Speaker Series Event -…
Women & Philanthropy Speaker Series Event - Leadership in Higher Education: Flexibility is Key
The Women & Philanthropy Speaker Series'…
53:17duration 53 minutes 17 seconds
BML - Dr. Colleen Burge: Gone viral, the global…
BML - Dr. Colleen Burge: Gone viral, the global emergence of an oyster-killing virus and its potential impacts on the shellfish industry
John & Mary Louise Riley Bodega Marine…
03:52duration 3 minutes 52 seconds
ECS 220 9a:1-8.6 IP=PSPACE (no proof)
01:48duration 1 minute 48 seconds
ECS 220 7c:7.4 λ-calculus
13:46duration 13 minutes 46 seconds
Intro to Snakemake: Part Three
13:45duration 13 minutes 45 seconds
snakemake intro 3 try 1