11:57duration 11 minutes 57 seconds
ECS 220 8c:8.6-1 Reachability expressed…
ECS 220 8c:8.6-1 Reachability expressed logically, and as a game between prover and skeptic
07:33duration 7 minutes 33 seconds
ECS 220 8a:8.1-3 relationship of time and…
ECS 220 8a:8.1-3 relationship of time and space-bounded complexity classes
04:10duration 4 minutes 10 seconds
ECS 220 2b:4.3-3 problems not obviously in NP
02:00duration 2 minutes 0 seconds
ECS 220 2b:4.3-2 NTIME(t(n))
09:56duration 9 minutes 56 seconds
ECS 120 8a:1 exponential-time algorithms for NP…
ECS 120 8a:1 exponential-time algorithms for NP problems