The Lancet Series on Small Vulnerable Newborns
This webinar will explore the dietary recommendations for infants and advice regarding the introduction of complementary foods during weaning. Topics that will be covered include the 2020-2025…
Sponsors: UC Davis Center for Healthcare Policy and Research (CHPR) and the Perinatal Origins of Disparities (POD) Center Title: How
Black Mamas and Birthing People Are Working to Challenge and…
Most parents learn hunger cues quickly! Did you know your baby can use cues to communicate many other needs? In this webinar, you will learn about infant cues, many reasons why babies cry, and how…
On October 27, 2021, Jennifer Smilowitz, Bruce German, and Katie Hinde came together for a fast-paced presentation delving into the amazing world of human breastmilk and how it not only nourishes the…
Feeding Transitions PowerPoint is HEREAdditional Resources can be found HERE
Preparing for Breastfeeding Resources can be found HEREPowerpoint slides can be found HERE
Preparing for Breastfeeding Resources can be found HERE Powerpoint slides can be found HERE
Resources for the course can be found HEREPowerpoint slides can be found HERE
Spring 2021 BIS 2B Lab 4 sections A03 & A01
Guest Artist: Adam ZaretskyFakes and Deep FakesDigital ForensicsFoley