Name:Chris van Kessel Interviewer: Ted DeJong Date Interviewed: 5/9/2018 Date Appointed: 1996 Date Retired: 2017 Department(s):Agronomy and Range Science;Plant Sciences n this conversation,…
Alexandra Lizano, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning, gives the student address at the UC Davis College of Agriculture & Environmental…
Ajay Nair Sharma candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Exercise Biology, gives the student address at the UC Davis College of Biological Science commencement on June 12, 2016.
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-31
John Piasta, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Managerial Economics, gives the student commencement speech for the UC Davis College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences on…
Julie Schaffer, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in biochemistry and molecular biology, gives the one of the student commencement speeches for the UC Davis College of Biological…
Quinn Buniel, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in political science-public service gives the student commencement speech for the UC Davis College of Letters and Science on June 14 2014,…
Graduating senior Jared Thompson speaks at the June 2012 College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences commencement.
John Piasta, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Managerial Economics, gives the student commencement address at the UC Davis College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences on…