Search for tag: "drain"


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From  Laura Brandeberry 0 likes 11 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 1.2 - Pipettes: Types and Usage

What are the different kinds of pipettes? How are they used? What are some things to keep in mind in order to use pipettes properly? Copyright Thi Nguyen Do not distribute without permission…

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From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 685 plays 0  

Take a break and make some bread with Andrew Calderwood

As you study from home, I am sure you want more ideas to have fun and productive breaks. ESM108 TA Andrew Calderwood gives you a great suggestion: you can make amazing breads and feel very positive…

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From  Majdi Abou Najm 1 likes 29 plays 1  

MOS Transistors (Part 9: PMOS Transistors and CMOS Technology)

EEC110A: Electronic Circuits I Instructor: Hooman Rashtian Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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From  Hooman Rashtian 1 likes 235 plays 0  

MOS Transistors (Part 8: Large-Signal and Small-Signal Models)

EEC110A: Electronic Circuits I Instructor: Hooman Rashtian Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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From  Hooman Rashtian 1 likes 914 plays 0  

MOS Transistors (Part 7: Channel-Length Modulation)

EEC110A: Electronic Circuits I Instructor: Hooman Rashtian Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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From  Hooman Rashtian 1 likes 273 plays 0  

MOS Transistors (Part 2: Basics of Operation (continued))

EEC110A: Electronic Circuits I Instructor: Hooman Rashtian Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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From  Hooman Rashtian 1 likes 259 plays 0  

MOS Transistors (Part 1: Basics of Operation)

EEC110A: Electronic Circuits I Instructor: Hooman Rashtian Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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From  Hooman Rashtian 1 likes 344 plays 0