41:42duration 41 minutes 42 seconds
ARE100A Spring Problems set 2
Selected answer for problem 1, 3 ,4, 6.
09:43duration 9 minutes 43 seconds
ECS 220 4a:6.1-2 observations about the…
ECS 220 4a:6.1-2 observations about the polynomial hierarchy and the great collapse
02:24duration 2 minutes 24 seconds
ECS 220 4a:6 (P vs. NP) vs. other major…
ECS 220 4a:6 (P vs. NP) vs. other major mathematical questions
04:42duration 4 minutes 42 seconds
ECS 220 2b:4.3-4 logical structure of NP and coNP
06:03duration 6 minutes 3 seconds
ECS 220 1b:2.2-2 asymptotic notation
02:14duration 2 minutes 14 seconds
ECS 120 9c:4 N vs. Q
05:49duration 5 minutes 49 seconds
ECS 120 9c:2 N vs. Z
05:27duration 5 minutes 27 seconds
ECS 120 9a:2 reducibility
04:47duration 4 minutes 47 seconds
ECS 120 8a:3 introduction to NP-completeness and…
ECS 120 8a:3 introduction to NP-completeness and Boolean formulas
02:04duration 2 minutes 4 seconds
ECS 120 6c:5 definition of Ω(), ω(),…
ECS 120 6c:5 definition of Ω(), ω(), and Θ()
11:26duration 11 minutes 26 seconds
ECS 120 6c:4 rules-of-thumb for comparing…
ECS 120 6c:4 rules-of-thumb for comparing function growth rates
10:28duration 10 minutes 28 seconds
ECS 120 6c:3 asymptotic analysis, definition of…
ECS 120 6c:3 asymptotic analysis, definition of O() and o()
06:58duration 6 minutes 58 seconds
ECS 120 5a:4 direct proof that uu is not regular
55:22duration 55 minutes 22 seconds
MAT-21C: Lecture 27
MAT-21C Lecture 2020-06-01 at 09:00
54:59duration 54 minutes 59 seconds
MAT-21C: Lecture 26
MAT-21C Lecture 2020-05-29 at 09:00
MAT-21C: Lecture 18
MAT-21C Lecture 2020-05-08 at 09:00