01:44duration 1 minute 44 seconds
ABT16 SMAW set up Matthew Bibiano
05:05duration 5 minutes 5 seconds
101C: Week 5_Video 18 - Water Potential With Dr…
101C: Week 5_Video 18 - Water Potential With Dr Bartlett 8.MOV
05:49duration 5 minutes 49 seconds
101C: Week 5_Video 14 - Water Potential With Dr…
101C: Week 5_Video 14 - Water Potential With Dr Bartlett 5.MOV
01:08:26duration 1 hour 8 minutes
Advanced Supersymmetry: Lecture 3
Gaugino Condensation and Beta Function Mysteries
38:49duration 38 minutes 49 seconds
Advanced Supersymmetry: Lecture 2
Instantons and Anomalies in the Path Integral
01:13:19duration 1 hour 13 minutes
Advanced Supersymmetry Lecture 1
The power of holomorphy.