07:22duration 7 minutes 22 seconds
OMOP 7 -- UC Health Research OMOP
02:02:29duration 2 hours 2 minutes
America and the States of Abortion: Abortion and…
America and the States of Abortion: Abortion and Law
Speakers: Katherine Florey, UC Davis School of…
00:58duration 58 seconds
UFWH 2021 - Hasan Kaan Kavsara_Protecting the…
UFWH 2021 - Hasan Kaan Kavsara_Protecting the hidden treasures of Anatolia for food security_ Food safety challenges in fermented beverages
01:02duration 1 minute 2 seconds
UFWH 2021 - Erin Esaryk_Graduate students at…
UFWH 2021 - Erin Esaryk_Graduate students at California public universities feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
05:08duration 5 minutes 8 seconds
ECS 220 3b:5.2-2 variants of Boolean…
ECS 220 3b:5.2-2 variants of Boolean satisfiability
13:27duration 13 minutes 27 seconds
Basics of Semiconductor Physics (Part 4: Doping)