Search for tag: "batch"

SITT 2022: Using Gradescope to bring some of the features of online tests into in-person exams by Victoria Cross

Many of our students prefer the allure of remote exams - the promise of open-book, open-notes, open-google. However, much of the material our students need to master requires serious study and…

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From  Mark Wilson 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Workshop 10: Executing Large Analyses on HPC Clusters with Slurm

This workshop will introduce attendees to the slurm system for using, queuing and scheduling analyses on high performance compute clusters. We will also cover cluster computing concepts and talk…

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From  Jeremy Walter 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Discussion 10-30

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From  Dhruvatara Bhogishetty 0 likes 170 plays 0  

ECS 150 - Lecture - Process scheduling (Part 2)

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From  Joël Porquet-Lupine 0 likes 1,530 plays 0  

VEN 140 5/06 /20 Konrad Miller

VEN 140 5/06/2020 Copyright Konrad Miller PhD PE Do no distribute without permission

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From  Konrad Miller 0 likes 52 plays 0  

interlude 2, video 2, Music 107B

Using keys and mouse as controllers.

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From  Sam Nichols 0 likes 17 plays 0  

VEN 101C: Week 3 - One Year Olds 1

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From  Christopher Chen 0 likes 85 plays 0