This intermediate R workshop focuses on how to find and fix bugs in
your R code, as well as how to make code more reliable and efficient in
the first place. We’ll cover how to raise and…
On Tuesday, March 5th, from 1-2 pm PT, the Department of Viticulture & Enology at UC Davis Office Hours: Information about Spotted Lanternfly.
Cindy Kron, UCANR Integrated Pest Management…
Post Lab 8 video, Jose and Sophia Lab section C07.
Sabrina Speckman Myla Obregon Nilesh Thiagarajan
Group members: Kelly May, Julianna Jordan, Gabby Azcueta, Valeria Romero
Our group members are Jet Zheng, Qiudi Cheng, Qian Chen and Guillermo Garibay. We researched on color difference between bugs which feed on golden rain trees and balloon vine trees.
Bis 2B Lab 8 Video Upload on Evidence for Incipient Speciation
UC Davis went virtually On the Road to Madera, Mariposa and Merced Counties on February 22, 2021. Speakers included Kendra Baumgartner, Kent Daane, Akif Eskalen, Helen Dahlke, George Zhuang, and…
Pinning & Spreading Lepidoptera with Jeff Smith. Join Bohart Volunteer Research Associate Jeff Smith as he describes how to pin and spread Lepidoptera. This technique is the most common method…