Search for tag: "chromatography"

VEN123L Video 9.1 - Limits of Detection and Quantification

What's the lowest concentration that a method or instrument can detect, and what's the lowest it can measure? What's the difference? How do we determine the limits of detection and…

From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 1,342 plays 0  


Chiral Resolution

From  Sarah Lievens 0 likes 674 plays 0  

VEN123L Video 7.1 - Chromatography

What is chromatography and how does it work? How are the components of a mixture separated? What does advanced instrumental chromatographic analysis look like? Copyright Thi Nguyen Do not…

From  Thi Nguyen 0 likes 564 plays 0  


From  Philipp Zerbe 0 likes 77 plays 0  

A. Webb

Name: A. Dinsmoor Webb Interviewer: Vernon L. Singleton Date Interviewed: 5/7/1999 Date Appointed: 1948 Date Retired: 1982 Department: Viticulture and Enology In this conversation , Emeritus…

From  Emeriti 0 likes 33 plays 0