February 23, 2024 China exported immense quantities of art across the globe in the early modern era, which made Chinese art highly influential in international design trends. The 2024 Templeton…
Welcome by College of Letters and Science Dean Estella Atekwana.
Introduction by GTI Founding Director Katharine Burnett.
The Filipino Fiesta is an annual celebration of the Filipino community in commemoration of small snippets in the history of the Philippines. People enjoy the local cuisine, traditional clothing,…
This interview is with Xiaomei Chen, Distinguished Professor Emerita of Chinese Literature and Culture. She was appointed in 2003 and retired in 2021.Xiaomei’s research interests include…
College of Letters and Science Dean Atekwana
GTI Founding Director Katharine Burnett
Authenticity is being yourself without covering or hiding elements of you. In this session you will be given time to process in a variety of ways to think through how people and situations…
Resident Dr. Kaitlin Ford talks about the positive support she received
from another more senior resident. That senior resident, Dr. David S. Chen (who has since joined UC Davis faculty) discusses…
Annual Alan Templeton Distinguished Lecture in Foreign Languages, Literatures
and Cultures: Special Event
Culture of the Fukushima Disasters: Japanese
Film, Literature, Manga, and…
In this presentation, the author will share her strategies in facilitating students' engagement and discussion in an introductory level culture class (CHN 009: Introduction to Chinese Language…
Dr. Sharad Jain, Associate Dean for Students gives the keynote address at the 2022 UC Davis School of Medicine commencement ceremony