01:19:01duration 1 hour 19 minutes
Katya Grokhovsky | The California Studio Artist…
Katya Grokhovsky | The California Studio Artist Lecture
Katya Grokhovsky is a multidisciplinary visual artist whose work explores cultural identity, labor, body, history and the self. She is a founding director of the Immigrant Artist Biennial. She has…
09:05duration 9 minutes 5 seconds
HDE 131 Spring 2023, Lecture 2.2, Practice…
HDE 131 Spring 2023, Lecture 2.2, Practice Exercise
26:35duration 26 minutes 35 seconds
Larry Forero 2022 WAC - Flow Monitoring Methods…
Larry Forero 2022 WAC - Flow Monitoring Methods for Better Irrigation Management
38:25duration 38 minutes 25 seconds
11:17duration 11 minutes 17 seconds
Chiral Resolution
27:58duration 27 minutes 58 seconds
34:25duration 34 minutes 25 seconds
Introduction to Stereochemistry and Chiral Centers
01:01duration 1 minute 1 second
101C: Week 5_Video 19 - Planting with the Nina…
101C: Week 5_Video 19 - Planting with the Nina and Andy 1.MOV
02:00duration 2 minutes 0 seconds
101C: Video 1_Ask Andy 1 - Week 5
01:33duration 1 minute 33 seconds
101C Week 4: Video4 - pt2
01:51duration 1 minute 51 seconds
VEN 101C: Week 3 - 3 year old 3
01:25duration 1 minute 25 seconds
VEN 101C: Week 2 - Summer Pruning - year old 6