"Our White Relatives Challenge the Script of Racism" January 16, 2013
11-29-12 Presented by Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Professor, Clinical Internal Medicine and Director, Center for Reducing Health Disparities November 29, 2012
11-28-12 Presented by Jesus Hernandez, Lecturer, Human Community Development: "The History of Redlining and Restrictive Covenants in Sacramento: Explaining Today’s Neighborhoods"…
Presentation by Pat Turner, Professor for African/African-American Studies and American Studies November 16, 2012
Presentation by Joe Wenderoth, Professor, Department of English November 8, 2012
Stories of the Great Migration from Oak Park (Sacramento) African-American Elders
Moderated by Carl Pinkston, Sacramento’s African Research Institute and Jann Murray-Garcia, Adjunct Professor,…
Presented by Clarence Walker October 18, 2012
10-10-2012 "Power of Healing Through Words: Breath and Bones, Anatomy of Student Voices Anthology"
Presented by the Arthur A. Benjamin Health Professions High School Students of…
The History of the National Black Nurses Association 1971-1999 March 6, 2013