UC Davis' Biotelemetry Lab, Cramer Fish Sciences and Delta Science Program Symposium: Informaing Delta Management Using Biotelemety. November 9, 2017.
UC Davis' Biotelemetry Lab, Cramer Fish Sciences and Delta Science Program Symposium: Informaing Delta Management Using Biotelemety. November 9, 2017.
Margaret He, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts & Science in Computer Science and Philosophy, gives the student address at the UC Davis College of Letters & Science 9am commencement…
"How will climate change induced warming affect Delta smelt?"
"A 3-Year study of environmental stress on health of endangered Delta Smelt"
Nann Fangue, Cliff Dahm - Welcome to "Delta & Longfin Smelt: Is Extinction Inevitable" Symposium
ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-24
Dan Ho, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Art Studio, gives the student commencement speech for the UC Davis Fall Commencement on December 20, 2014
Find out where Davis is, which airports are closest, what the weather's like, and the Summer Start option for international freshmen.
11-28-12 Presented by Jesus Hernandez, Lecturer, Human Community Development: "The History of Redlining and Restrictive Covenants in Sacramento: Explaining Today’s Neighborhoods"…