48:21duration 48 minutes 21 seconds
Book Project 2012-13: Panel: "Our White…
Book Project 2012-13: Panel: "Our White Relatives Challenge the Script of Racism" 01/16/2013
"Our White Relatives Challenge the Script of…
52:49duration 52 minutes 49 seconds
Book Project 2012-13: Transnational Migration…
Book Project 2012-13: Transnational Migration & Health": 11-28-12
11-29-12 Presented by Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola,…
47:50duration 47 minutes 50 seconds
Book Project 2012-13: The History of Redlining…
Book Project 2012-13: The History of Redlining and Restrictive Covenants in Sacramento: Explaining Today’s Neighborhoods" 11-28-12
11-28-12 Presented by Jesus Hernandez, Lecturer,…
49:51duration 49 minutes 51 seconds
Book Project 2012-13: Crafting Change:…
Book Project 2012-13: Crafting Change: African-American Folk Artists and the Civil Rights Movement: 11-16-12
Presentation by Pat Turner, Professor for…
01:14:18duration 1 hour 14 minutes
Book Project 2012-13: Metaphors and Migration in…
Book Project 2012-13: Metaphors and Migration in Literature and Poetry" 11-08-12
Presentation by Joe Wenderoth, Professor,…