01:23:54duration 1 hour 23 minutes
Book Project 2015-16 - Panel (01-27-2016) -…
Book Project 2015-16 - Panel (01-27-2016) - Grattet, Smith, McCarthy, Carter
The Great Divide: Crime, Incarceration and their Consequences. Presented by Ryken Grattet, Chris Smith, Bill Mc Carthy, Angela Carter
01:15:14duration 1 hour 15 minutes
Book Project 2015-16: Jesus Hernandez
Structural Inequality in the Age of Sustainability, Maintaining the Racial/Spatial Wealth Gap
47:50duration 47 minutes 50 seconds
Book Project 2012-13: The History of Redlining…
Book Project 2012-13: The History of Redlining and Restrictive Covenants in Sacramento: Explaining Today’s Neighborhoods" 11-28-12
11-28-12 Presented by Jesus Hernandez, Lecturer, Human Community Development: "The History of Redlining and Restrictive Covenants in Sacramento: Explaining Today’s Neighborhoods"…
01:15:43duration 1 hour 15 minutes
AHI120A - Clay Brandow 3/2/2015
Clay Brandow, a founder of the Domes on the UC Davis campus, speaks about the construction of the Domes.