Search for tag: "plots"

R Seminar

Speaker, PhD candidate Luis Salazar, from UC Davis, introduces students to RStudio. He discusses what R is, what it can do, and shows what the program looks like when you are working in it. He…

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From  Amanda Pietras 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Dr. Terry McGlynn - Lessons about thermal ecology from rainforest ants

"As the world is getting hotter, we are now urgently focused on understanding on how climate change affecting insect populations and communities. Many insects in tropical rainforests are…

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From  Anthony Garcia 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Field Logistics.mp4

Antonia Palkovic, SCOPE Coordinator, discusses field planting logistics for field experiments. She addresses important considerations like growth habit, experimental design, breeding goals, location,…

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From  Amanda Pietras 0 likes 6 plays 0  


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From  Laura Brandeberry 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Intro to R Programming

This free two-hour workshop provides an overview of basics of R programming language along with RStudio which is a user-friendly environment for working with R. You will be introduced to the syntax,…

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From  Jeremy Walter 0 likes 26 plays 0  

PLS100BL Live Session - Lab 3 - Plants Responses to Temperature

Live session discussing the experimental setup of Lab 3 (including a demo video). It provides a detailed explanation of how to count seed germination, the data analyses, and plots needed for the lab…

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From  Barbara Blanco-Ulate 0 likes 97 plays 0  

Section 1.5 #67 - Biodiversity

Finding and using a power model for biodiversity data from Pasoh Forest Reserve.

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From  Carl Corcoran 0 likes 661 plays 0  

BIS180L Lecture 9

BIS180L: Introduction to Shiny

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From  Julin Maloof 1 likes 54 plays 0  

PLS 150 Introduction to wildflower field-plots

NMWilliams at Hedgerow Farms plots introducing lab activity for PLS 150 Week 6 SQ 2020

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From  Neal Williams 1 likes 75 plays 0  

BIS180L May 1 Discussion

Midterm Q&A

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From  Julin Maloof 0 likes 5 plays 0  

BIS180L Lecture 4 R Intro

BIS180L Lecture 4. Brief introduction to R and RStudio.

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From  Julin Maloof 0 likes 65 plays 0