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Michael Reid Seminar

Spring PBI 293: Seminars in Postharvest Biology…

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From  Karin Albornoz 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Spring PBI 293-Seminars in Postharvest Biology, Dr. Don Nevins -The Mann Laboratory- Concept of a facility for fundamental research and innovative technologies in postharvest quality, nutrition, and safety-

Spring PBI 293-Seminars in Postharvest Biology…

From  Karin Albornoz 0 likes 41 plays 0  

Spring PBI293 Seminars in Postharvest Biology - Dr. Dean DellaPenna The Long and Winding Road. From tomato cell walls to carotenoids to vitamin E to corn

Spring PBI293 Seminars in Postharvest Biology …

From  Karin Albornoz 0 likes 50 plays 0  

2017 Spring quarter PBI293 - Seminars in Postharvest Biology - Dr. Marita Cantwell Challenges in Applying Postharvest Principles in the California Vegetable Industry

Seminars in Postharvest BiologyCommemorating the…

From  Karin Albornoz 0 likes 82 plays 0  

2017 Spring quarter PBI293 - Seminars in Postharvest Biology - Dr. John Labavitch Postharvest Biology of Fruits- Cell walls are (probably) more than (merely) important structures

Special series commemorating the 50th anniversary…

From  Karin Albornoz 0 likes 140 plays 0