"Why So Many Ways to Die? The Non-canonical Inflammasome Pathway" Vishva Dixit, Storer Lecture, University of California , Davis
Thursday, October 31st, 2019
"Sustaining the Beauty and the Bounty of Oceans: Grand Challenges for Science and Society" January 11, 2012.
"Saving Life, Saving Ourselves" Jan 18, 2012.
"How Discoveries in Innate Immunity are Reshaping Our Thinking on The Pathogenesis of Inflammatory Diseases." January 27, 2012
UC Davis College of Biological Sciences Major Issues in…
UC Davis College of Biological Science Storer Lecture Series: Phillip DeVries - February 9, 2012. February 10, 2012
"Compositionality-Combinations of Muscle Synergies in the Construction of Motor Behavior" February 16, 2012
Harnessing the Power of Next-Generation Genetics to Address Problems of Plant Breeding, Evolution and Speciation. March 5, 2012
Storer Lecture: " Environmental biodiversity, human microbiota, and allergy." by Ilkka Hanski. April 25, 2012
"Eco-evolutionary spatial dynamics". April 26, 2012
"Plant Speciation: Similarities and Contrasts with Animals"
"Genomics of Plant Speciation". May 31, 2012
"Microbial community genomics and transcriptomics reveal structure, function and dynamics in marine planktonic assemblages" October 4, 2012
"Plant-animal mutualistic networks: the architecture of biodiversity" November 15, 2012
"Maintenance of Genome Stability: from Worms to Human Disease"
"Moving Forward with Wolbachia Releases for Dengue Control" January 17, 2013