Search for tag: "joint math/stat colloquium"

15th Joint Math/Stat Colloquium by Michael Bronstein (Oxford): Physics-inspired Learning on Graphs

This is a video recording of the 15th Joint Math/Stat Colloquium (also a part of the MADDD seminar series) by Prof. Michael Bronstein on "Physics-inspired Learning on Graphs."Abstract: The…

From  Naoki Saito 0 likes 33 plays 0  

14th Joint Math/Stat Colloquium by Brice Menard (JHU)

This is a video recording of the 14th Joint Math/Stat Colloquium (also a part of the MADDD seminar series) by Prof. Brice Menard (Johns Hopkins Univ.) on "Data Science and Science with…

From  Naoki Saito 0 likes 84 plays 0