02:33:09duration 2 hours 33 minutes
Mini Medical School 2018 Week 4: 2018-02-24
Saturday February 24, 2018 Stroke—Kwan Ng, M.D.,Ph.D. What's Healthy Brain Aging—Charles DeCarli, M.D.
02:24:24duration 2 hours 24 minutes
Mini Medical School 2018 Week 3: 2018-2-17
Saturday, February 17, 2018 Osteoporosis, Fracture Risk and Prevention—John Robbins, M.D. Preventing Falls—Christy Adams, R.N., MPH Since 2002, UC Davis has opened the doors of…
02:01:51duration 2 hours 1 minute
Mini Medical School Week 4 - 2-25-17
Saturday, FEBRUARY 25, 2017 9am: The Aging Mind – Theresa Harvath, Ph.D. 10am: Skin & Aging – Oma Agbai, M.D.
02:02:33duration 2 hours 2 minutes
UC Capitol Speakers Series - Bennet Omalu…
UC Capitol Speakers Series - Bennet Omalu 02-22-2017
The Science and Consequences of Concussions: Shedding Light on CTE Disease
01:01:09duration 1 hour 1 minute
Storer Lecture - Matthew Wheeler 10-10-2011
"Strategies for Regenerating Bone: Stem Cells, Scaffolds, Growth Factors and Patients" ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-31
01:10:05duration 1 hour 10 minutes
Storer Lecture - Zeray Alemseged 05-12-2009
"Early Hominin Evolution: learning from and old child" ATS Video migrated from webcast.ucdavis.edu on 2015-07-23