"Understanding Brain Cell Communication--from a biochemistry perspective."
Dr. Bennet
Omalu, Clinical Professor and Associate Physician of Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine at UC Davis Health and President and Medical Director of Bennet Omalu
Pathology, gives the keynote…
Saturday February 24, 2018
Stroke—Kwan Ng, M.D.,Ph.D.
What's Healthy Brain Aging—Charles DeCarli, M.D.
"The Path is Made by Walking: Diverse Paths to Science Fuel Creativity and Help Communities"
"Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar." - Antonio…
Name: Dorothy Gietzen Interviewer: Judith S. Stern Date Interviewed: 6/7/2007 Date Appointed: 1990 Date Retired: 2005 Department: Physiological Science In this conversation, Emerita Professor…
The School of Veterinary Medicine: Molecular Biosciences presents Dr. Byron Ford: Neuregulin-1 as a Countermeasure against Organophosphate Nerve Agents and Neuroinflammation.
Saturday, FEBRUARY 25, 2017
9am: The Aging Mind – Theresa Harvath, Ph.D.
10am: Skin & Aging – Oma Agbai, M.D.
The Science and Consequences of Concussions: Shedding Light on CTE Disease
Saturday, FEBRUARY 18, 2017
9 am: Nutrition: Does Anyone Know What to Believe Now?- Dana Lis, Ph.D.
10 am: Fitness and Sports in Midlife and Beyond – Keith Baar, Ph.D.