Search for tag: "subject guides"

Intro to Library Homepage

The goal of this short video is to identify key aspects of the library homepage for research and identifying library services. Learning Outcomes include: •Understand the…

From  Erik Fausak 1 likes 203 plays 0  

Locating Articles through Subject Guides

This brief tutorial shows how to find the library's course guides and demonstrates how to locate articles using the library's subject guides. Using the library's subject guides is the…

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From  kgroup_libraryinsobj 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Locating Articles through Subject Guides

This brief tutorial shows how to find the library's course guides and demonstrates how to locate articles using the library's subject guides. Using the library's subject guides is the…

+4 More
From  kgroup_libraryinsobj 0 likes 963 plays 0  

Library Homepage Introduction

Introduction to the primary research stop for library resources, its homepage.After viewing this video- Please take this survey

From  kgroup_libraryinsobj 0 likes 538 plays 0